Why working with
us means
blazing a trail
With more than EUR 7bn in revenue and some 16,000 employees, Wiener Stadtwerke is one of the largest businesses in Austria. When it comes to delivering a secure supply of electricity and heat and converting Vienna into a climate-neutral city by 2040, we, as the supplier for the city, are in the limelight. We tackle these challenges with innovation, drive and conviction. Looking to the decisive years ahead of us, we need the greatest minds and most skilled hands in our teams. In other words, strong teams made up of pioneers who lead the way into a liveable and climate-neutral future.
employees will retire from our company over the next ten years.
Wiener Stadtwerke
is training around 500 apprentices.
Apprenticeships are go!
Training the professionals of tomorrow ourselves.
Competing for the greatest talent
Over the next ten years, 5,000 employees – or one-third of our company’s workforce – will be retiring. Recruiting qualified young talent is therefore a key area of focus at Wiener Stadtwerke. While our task is clear in this regard, the challenge we face is just as simple: for some time there have been too few skilled workers to fill open positions on the Austrian employment market. The competition between companies for the greatest talent is enormous.
Just as before, the key criteria when choosing an employer remain job security, an attractive salary, a pleasant working atmosphere and good career opportunities. There is no doubt about it: Wiener Stadtwerke certainly performs well in these areas. Yet, today’s young talents place additional demands on their jobs that were previously less prominent, such as sustainability performance, credibility and a good work-life balance. Many graduates want to make an active contribution to climate protection in their daily work, and they strive for jobs that are green. We have good news: we can offer exactly that. We have exciting, diverse and meaningful jobs – after all, we keep Vienna running and are turning the climate revolution into a reality. Those who work with us have a ticket to the future. Both in terms of their own development and helping to shape Vienna’s future.
Addressing the challenges of today and tomorrow cannot be done with 20th-century tools and approaches. Wiener Stadtwerke relies on digital tools, working methods and processes. And the benefits of these are numerous: they allow us to work more flexibly, in a networked way and remotely, save time, and be more dynamic and productive than ever before.
175 young talents
began their training with the Wiener Stadtwerke Group in 2022.