Mobility revolution + energy revolution

= climate revolution

Since Vienna’s first climate protection programme was launched in 1999, CO² emissions have fallen by almost 40% per capita. In terms of district heating, the city is now one of Europe’s model metropolises, and the public transport network has been increasingly enhanced and made increasingly environmentally friendly. These are great, reassuring successes – there is no question. Yet, we can, must, and will do more. By 2040, Vienna will be climate neutral, and we at Wiener Stadtwerke are taking responsibility and making this possible.

Pedestrians crossing a road at a zebra crossing.

The city of the future
must be able to do several things at once.
We are building in advance.

The corporate strategy of the Wiener Stadtwerke Group aims for a climate-neutral Vienna by 2040 and is strongly oriented towards the Smart City Strategy of the City of Vienna. Central components are the focus on customer satisfaction, securing the financial basis and the implementation of the Smart City Strategy through concrete measures.

Almost 70%

of the world’s population is expected to live in cities by 2050.

Managing Director of Wiener Linien Gudrun Senk and City Councillor Peter Hanke stand on the construction site of the Wiener Linien's project of the century – the U2xU5 intersection. They wear safety gear and look towards the camera.

Tunnel visit
with (from left to right): Gudrun Senk, Managing Director of Wiener Linien, and Peter Hanke, City Councillor for public transport.

Concrete is reprocessed.

old buildings is important in construction.

Our core areas for action

Wiener Stadtwerke has identified key areas for action that can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our city. These include replacing fossil fuels with climate-friendly alternatives, modernising and extending our pipeline networks, and expanding climate-friendly mobility, first and foremost through Wiener Linien’s project of the century – the U2xU5 intersection.

The greatest financial and technical challenges that we will face on the road to climate neutrality are the supply of space heating and hot water. The necessary investments for decarbonising these areas by 2040 amount to some EUR 18.6bn, with thermal renovation – transforming heating systems and expanding district heating – playing a key role. That said, the extensive investments we are making are also creating opportunities for Vienna as a business location and for the city’s employment market.

We know that our greatest opportunities for reducing harmful greenhouse gases are in the areas of energy supply and mobility. However, our response to the climate crisis will only make a real difference if we intensify our efforts to consistently protect the climate in all areas. This is why Wiener Stadtwerke is pushing for collaboration and networking across all of its entities. Our Group companies look beyond their own horizons and concern themselves not with what separates them, but with what unites them. This makes us strong and has a positive influence on our work, both for the city and for our customers.

Wiener Stadtwerke sees itself as a guarantor of supply security, a key player in the climate revolution and a hub where the new Vienna is being developed and built in concrete terms. We have a clear strategy for achieving climate neutrality for Vienna by 2040.

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